Malanda Masterplan
Malanda Masterplan
Malanda Masterplan
Malanda Masterplan
Malanda Masterplan

In 2019, inspired by the successfully adopted Ravenshoe Masterplan from the previous year, TPG Architects were invited by the Tablelands Regional Council (TRC) to create a new concept vision for the Malanda township, also on the Atherton Tablelands.

As Initiated by TRC, we partnered again with JCU and CA Architects to consider opportunities for the town centre’s expansion, including urban design/land use, streetscape improvements and traffic management.

The masterplan area is defined by Patrick Street, Catherine Street, Eacham Place, English Street and James Street, although a wider context that includes an evolving Malanda Agricultural Precinct at James Street/Patrick Street, the Malanda Falls Conservation Park and proposals for a mixed-use precinct at Malanda North are important to Malanda’s future development.

Malanda Masterplan
Malanda Masterplan

Stakeholder workshop presentations, July 2019

Malanda Masterplan
Malanda Masterplan

Roger from TPG Architects (far left) at the Malanda Show in 2019 ready to present the masterplan to the community. Appearing next to Roger are landscape architect Andrew Prowse, students Bella King and Harley Lyons, Gisela Jung from CA Architects and Professor Lisa Law from JCU.